About Us
ADERCO 5000 noticeably improves fuel consumption, reduces engine wear and lowers emissions. It works in a very prescribed way which offers distinct benefits for petroleum-based fuels, and has been doing so for many years in specific sectors.
Efficiency: improved combustion means more power
Economy: savings in maintenance, down-time and fuel costs
Environment: reduced noise, smoke, gases, particles
How does it do it?
Petroleum or crude oil is a mixture of many many types of hydrocarbons, in order to make it usable as fuel it needs to be separated or refined into different “fractions” this process separates the various hydrocarbons into similar categories and produces some of the fuel types we know of today eg Petrol (also known as gasoline), Diesel, Kerosene, Fuel oils, Lubricating oils and many others.
The resulting fuels whilst containing less hydrocarbon types than crude oil are still a complex mix of many different kinds hydrocarbons. These various hydrocarbon molecules can be attracted to each other causing the fuel to form clumps or to “agglomerate”. When this happens, it as bad for combustion, as the optimal condition for combustion is to allow oxygen to mix freely with the fuel. When this fuel oxygen mixing is not perfect, combustion is incomplete and some fuel and impurities remain unburned. The unburned fuel will enter the exhaust system and can also dirty the combustion chamber. This is all BAD and wasteful.
ADERCO 5000 breaks down the agglomerates into very small suspended particles and disperses them throughout the fuel. These particles are less likley to clog fuel filters and are more readily combusted.
ADERCO 5000 is a surface-active agent (surfactant), which improves atomisation: it creates a greater fuel surface by increasing the number of droplets formed during atomisation. As a result, available oxygen is used more efficiently, to improve combustion.
Fuel treated by ADERCO 5000 burns completely and reduces carbon formation (soot). There will be fewer deposits inside the combustion chamber, on exhaust valves and the exhaust routes.